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Welcome to my notes

This website is a public presentation of my notes collected over time. It’s open source, you can find the source on GitHub all content is maintained by Roman Ožana.

What’s it about?

Public notes are mostly about web development and other things I’m interested in. They include things I’ve googled a lot and want to remember, as well as things I find interesting and worth sharing.

🤔 What’s the purpose?

The main purpose is to have a place where I can store my notes. I try to keep the content up to date and relevant. The content is mostly based on my experience and knowledge.

🚀 Can I contribute?

Yes, you can. The website is open source, you can find the source code on GitHub. If you find any bugs or outdated information, please create a pull request.

  • Advertising is not allowed here.
  • If you want to support me, you can buy me a coffee.

👨‍💻 Technology Stack

Website is build with Starlight, Astro and Tailwind CSS and hosted by Vercel. It’s worth mentioning that it used to be built with Sphido, but I’ve decided to move everything to Starlight. Focus more on content and less on technology.

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