Portfolio structure
1. Homepage
- Name
- Title (e.g., Frontend Developer, Full Stack Developer)
- Navigation Links (Home, About, Projects, Blog, Contact)
Introduction Section
- Brief Bio (2-3 sentences about who you are and what you do)
- Call-to-Action (e.g., “View My Work” button)
2. About Page
Personal Background
- Education
- Work Experience
Technical Skills
- Programming Languages (e.g., JavaScript, Python)
- Frameworks and Libraries (e.g., React, Node.js)
- Tools and Technologies (e.g., Git, Docker)
Soft Skills
- Problem-Solving
- Communication
- Teamwork
3. Projects Page
Project Showcase
- Each project should include:
- Project Title
- Description (what it is, what technologies were used, and what role you played)
- Live Demo Link (if available)
- Source Code Link (e.g., GitHub)
- Screenshots or Videos (to showcase the project visually)
- Each project should include:
Featured Projects
- Highlight 2-3 standout projects at the top of the section.
4. Blog (Optional)
- Posts about programming, technologies, tutorials, or personal insights.
- Organize articles by topics for easy navigation.
5. Contact Page
Contact Form
- Fields for Name, Email, Subject, and Message.
Social Media Links
- LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, etc.
Email Address
- Provide an email for direct contact.
6. Resume (Downloadable)
- A link to download your resume in PDF format.