Convert JSON to PHP code
Do you need convert #JSON data to valid #PHP code without pain? I’ve got a short script for that! My simple solution used var_export() function. This function generates almost valid, well formatted PHP code from usual JSON data. Invalidity of code can be fix with one regular expression, which replace stdClass::__set_state/
with (object)
Take a closer look at example data. I have here currency.json - PHP code should look something like this:
<?php return array ( 'USD' => (object)(array( 'symbol' => '$', 'name' => 'US Dollar', 'symbol_native' => '$', 'decimal_digits' => 2, 'rounding' => 0, 'code' => 'USD', 'name' => 'US dollars', )), 'CAD' => //...);
It’s can be done in only four lines of PHP code:
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/currency.json'));$code = var_export((array)$data, true);$code = "<?php\n return " . preg_replace('/stdClass::__set_state/', '(object)', $code) . ';';file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/currencies.locale.php', $code);
If you need call some function (like gettext) above the variable, just add more regular expression:
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/currency.json'));$code = var_export((array)$data, true);
// add gettext function call$code = preg_replace("/'name' => '(.+)'/", "'name' => __('$1')", $code);$code = preg_replace("/'name_plural' => '(.+)'/", "'name' => __('$1')", $code);
// save PHP code$code = "<?php\n return " . preg_replace('/stdClass::__set_state/', '(object)', $code) . ';';file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/currencies.locale.php', $code);