OTP Input in Vue 3
There are my requirements for the OTP input component:
- autofocus first input on load
- navigate with arrow keys
- delete with backspace/delete keys
- autofocus next input after typing
- number input only
- paste support
- emit event on finish
- reliable on mobile
- short and simple
<template> <div class="flex gap-2 justify-center" :class="wrapperClass"> <template v-for="(input, index) in length" :key="index"> <input type="text" :id="`digit-${index + 1}`" :ref="(el) => { inputs[index] = el as HTMLInputElement }" class="w-12 h-12 text-center text-xl" :autofocus="index === 0" v-model="digits[index]" autocomplete="off" v-bind="$attrs"
inputmode="numeric" maxlength="1" pattern="\d" required
@focus="inputs[index].select()" @mousedown.prevent="inputs[index].select()"
@input="onInput(index, $event as InputEvent)"
@paste.prevent.stop="onPaste(index, $event)"
@keydown.delete.prevent="onDelete(index)" @keydown.left.prevent="onLeft(index)" @keydown.right.prevent="onRight(index)" @keydown.up.prevent @keydown.down.prevent /> </template> </div></template>
<script setup lang="ts">import { nextTick, onMounted, reactive } from "vue";
const props = defineProps({ length: { type: Number, default: 6, }, wrapperClass: { type: String, default: "", },});
const inputs: Array<HTMLInputElement | null> = [];const emits = defineEmits(["onfinish", "onchange"]);const digits = reactive(Array.from({ length: props.length }, () => ""));
function onInput(index: number, event: InputEvent) { if (event.data) { digits[index] = event.data; inputs[index + 1]?.focus(); update(); }}
function onPaste(index: number, event: ClipboardEvent) { let paste = event.clipboardData?.getData("text") || ""; paste = paste.replace(/\D/g, "").slice(0, props.length - index);
if (paste) { for (let i = 0; i < paste.length; i++) { digits[index + i] = paste[i]; }
// select next closest input after paste nextTick(() => { const lastFilledIndex = Math.min( index + paste.length - 1, digits.length - 1 ); inputs[lastFilledIndex]?.focus(); }); }
function onDelete(index: number) { digits[index] = ""; inputs[index - 1]?.focus();}
function onLeft(index: number) { inputs[index - 1]?.focus();}
function onRight(index: number) { inputs[index + 1]?.focus();}
function update() { const otp = digits.join(""); emits("onchange", otp);
if (otp.length === props.length) { emits("onfinish", otp); }}
onMounted(() => { nextTick(() => { inputs[0]?.focus(); });});</script>
Here is the usage of the component:
<template> <OTPInput @onfinish="onFinish" @onchange="onChange" /></template>
<script setup lang="ts">import OTPInput from "@/components/OTPInput.vue";
function onFinish(otp: string) { console.log("OTP is", otp);}
function onChange(otp: string) { console.log("OTP is changing to", otp);}</script>