Tailwind tooltip without Javascript (CSS only)

There's a plenty of libraries (mostly JavaScript) to enable the classic tooltip design pattern. You can easily add tooltips to your elements without JavaScript and in just a few lines of Tailwind code and HTML.

Lets starts with HTML code:

<div class="mx-auto my-20 max-w-prose divide-y rounded-2xl border shadow">
  <div class="py-20 text-center">
    <span aria-label="Content extra long">Hover this</span>

  <div class="dark">
    <div class="py-20 text-center dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-white">
      <a aria-label="Tooltip content">Hover this</a>

  <div class="py-20 text-center">
    <a aria-label="Multi lines tooltip&#xa;are also possible">Hover this</a>

  <div class="py-20 text-center">
    <a aria-label="Extra ultra giga wide comments are posssible" class="after:max-w-[120px]">Hover this</a>

  <div class="py-20 text-center">
    <a aria-label="Sky blue variant" class="before:bg-sky-500 after:bg-sky-500">Hover blue</a>

Then you have to add follow code to your tailwind.css file:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer components {
  /* after is label */

  [aria-label] {
    @apply relative;
    @apply after:font-semibold;
    @apply after:content-[attr(aria-label)];
    @apply after:pointer-events-none after:absolute after:z-50;
    @apply after:opacity-0 hover:after:opacity-100;
    @apply after:rounded-md after:text-center after:text-xs;
    @apply after:bg-black after:text-white;
    @apply dark:after:bg-white dark:after:text-gray-900;
    @apply after:py-2 after:px-3;
    @apply after:w-max after:min-w-fit after:whitespace-pre-wrap;
    @apply after:bottom-full after:left-1/2 after:-translate-x-1/2;
    @apply after:-translate-y-2;

  /* before is arrow*/

  [aria-label] {
    @apply before:pointer-events-none before:absolute before:z-40;
    @apply before:opacity-0 hover:before:opacity-100;
    @apply before:bottom-full before:left-1/2 before:-translate-x-1/2;    
    @apply before:h-2 before:w-4;
    @apply before:transition-opacity after:transition-opacity;
    @apply before:bg-black dark:before:bg-white;    

  [aria-label]::before {
    mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 500 250"><polygon points="0,0 250,250 500,0"/></svg>');

You can easily change tooltip color from default black to something else like follow:

	aria-label="Sky blue variant"
	class="before:bg-sky-500 after:bg-sky-500">Hover blue</a>

Width of the tooltip can be limited with after:max-w-[120px] class.

	aria-label="Extra ultra giga wide comments are posssible"
	class="after:max-w-[120px]">Hover this</a>

You can decide where will be break by including &#xa; HTML Encoded Line Feed character - new line to the aria-label .

	aria-label="Multi lines tooltip&#xa;are also possible">Hover this</a>


#Tailwind #CSS